This is weird...
I am asked to play someone who is me but is not me... Inspired by me... Another version of me...
It's weird...
So i imagined if this was an evil version of me and that version was seeking revenge...
Needless to say that version will not make it to the play... Am burying him... Or burning him...
Go to the fire
Go to the fire, he said
As sounds of laughter
Were drowning the rest of the hall
Go to the fire and wait
Put your red nose
It will soon turn black
Go, play, like you mean it
Make sure everybody forgets who you were
Even your mother,
She won't want her old kid back, no...
Go to the fire, he said
Stand in the middle of it
And wait, wait for it to exhume
All the scents you will reek
All the dreads rotting your insides
A final sublimation you desperately need...
I'm in the fire, i said
I'm in the fire...
Now burn!