Friday, July 25, 2014

le flot (this one is in french :) )

i haven't written in french in a very long time...
yesterday i decided to give it a try because one sentence had been dancing in my brain for a while...
i wrote it at first and then let the rest of them flow...
then the sentence found its proper place...

A chaque fois…:

Mon cœur se promène
Sur des sentiers de je
A la Claire Fontaine
J’ai eu un creux
Sur des airs de je t’aime
J’y ai mis le feu
De mantra en rengaine
Naquirent ces vœux :

Pieds nus
Sur du sable froid
Ce que fut
Des églises sans croix
De ma vue
Les airs narquois
Et puis
A l’affut
Des insultes à quatre voix

Mon cœur te rédige
Dix milles poèmes sans mots
Générant un vertige
Qui se la joue paquebot
Dans ma tête s’érige
Un vacarme gros
Et voilà que je pige
‘Mon Dieu quel salaud’ :

Je serai…
Un lâche
Quoi que je casse
Ou si je fais
Une tache
Qui ira aliéner ta trace
Tu sais…
Je me fâche
Je boude, je fracasse…
Ou pis
Oui mais…
Je lâche
Encore mon cœur dans ton espace

Et voilà…
D’un sourire, d’un geste, de ta voix, de ton cœur
De ta main sur mon dos, de tes lèvres, de ton odeur
De ta présence immuable dans les tumultes de mes peurs
Tu le ramasses
Tu le ramasses
Tu le ramasses

A chaque fois…

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


seven months ago i broke my knee,
nasty fall.
pain, surgery, pain, not walking normally, frustration, pain, surgery, pain, not walking properly, hope...
yet in all this, some things became clear... some people helped, unknowingly...

seven months ago something happened...
a parallel path
converging, finally...

Seven months and counting:

Seven months and counting
Yet it still feels fresh
I uncover my senses
And what unravels shocks me…
Did I just do that?
Did I just say that?
How did I feel that?
It’s been creeping up on me
What I am,
What I want to be:
A cat purring
A tree growing
Chocolate oozing
When squeezed gently…
Seven months and counting
And there has been
No predators
No perpetuators
No hunger
No poverty
Simple pleasures
Mutual agreements
And the slow reassurance
That in all this I am still free
Even more,
I’m flying
Through the magic of an elixir,
Secretly given to me
Both my feet are grounded
And my head is clear
Seven months and counting
This is… here…
My energy is enjoying
A seductive resurgence
And the will
And the knowledge
That when there’s silence
I’ll sing my chorus
And repeat, and repeat…